Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Pokinitis is another traditional Technology in the Classroom blog entry. Will's blog pretty much says what we have been saying. It reminds me of freedman a lot as well, web 2.0 the read write web.

Pretty much this blog by Will is a furthering of the read write web, creating new content that many people across the world can see. Also, not limiting it to one area, further adapting it to a movie, and perhaps a podcast.

Pokinitis is a good model of how to inspire students to create new content through media and anything that flies in our mind. Anything that fascinates us. That blogs are not just a pouring out of our minds, a journal, but a publishable source. That through blogging we can adapt something we have written to a full length novel, or something tangible.

This is a very simple but signifigant blog post by Will because it very adequately stresses the furthering of the read write web and how he personally handled presenting it to his daughter.

1 comment:

Darlene said...

I agree with you, Phil. Leave it to Will to use every opportunity that avails itself as a teaching moment. How many of us would have thought to ask someone to write a book for kids about poking people. Sometimes creativity comes in the most unlikely places. Maybe that's my problem - sometimes I try too hard to think of ideas and the simplest ones are right there in front of my face. I wish I had half of Will's creative genius.