Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Warlick and site's i feel are useful

Having investigated the site's Warlick references in chapter 2, i feel these three site's are the most useful. Or to say differently, the one's i feel apply to me the most.
The question is not are they useful, because every site Warlick includes is without a doubt. Be it from effectiveness to entertainment to efficiency.

#1 Phraseexpress

Phrase express is all about efficiency. This program has a built in memory which remembers anything you type. It's purpose is to decrease the amount of typing and finish what you are trying to say as soon as possible. This is a tool, when mastered can word astronomically faster then conventional typing. This is going to be very popular. The parallel of Phrase express to T9word on our cell phones is a brilliant comparison.
A great thing also is that it helps correct your grammar. Any spelling error or punctuation is quickly corrected. I stress this as a program for time efficient people. Not those first starting to type. If a youth was to use this i feel it would greatly stunt the learning curve for i still make a huge amount of spelling mistakes and they should have to acknowledge them and learn to fix them. Phrase express is more for the experienced time efficient typer.

#2 The Way back Machine
This site files down publication dates for websites. If you do not know when a particular website was published, this is a helpful source. This is relevant anytime you are forced by a instructive power to cite a date. If you are submitting something, a project, paper, report, seminar, etc. This is pretty much your only choice to find the publication date if the site does not provide one. This is a necessity to the college student.

#3 Backflip
Back flip is a virtual bookmarker that lets you access the site's you have saved no matter your location. It does not matter what computer you are on, or where you are Back Flip lets you see those bookmarked pages.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Hey Phil...phraseexpress seems like a very useful site. It's nice to know that typing can be done quicker and knowing that it corrects grammar is even better. I will definitely have to check it out because this is the first time I've seen anyone write about it (I might not have looked at enough blogs to know).