Friday, April 13, 2007

Comic Life

The Chris and Phil collaboration continues. First the i-movie, now comic life. Since we have each been group leaders before, we have decided to be co-leaders for this next block project. We are making a graphic novel/comic book modernization of a scene in Hamlet. We had our first formal meeting the other day, where we sat down to rack our brains for ideas, and put content on paper. Earlier in the week, we had a few informal meetings, where we ran into each other and spoke of things we had rolling around in our heads.

I want this comic to be very visually stunning, so there are a few techniques i am planning on applying (I will not give those away). The tables have turned this time with the access of technology. Last time, i was the one with the video camera, now it is Chris who has a digital camera. Still, most of the work will be done in room 310, for my mac has comic life, making the process very convenient.

For length, we are thinking about 5 pages. I want to pick a length that is short enough to show the class, yet substantial. The scene we have picked is rather short, and relies of flashbacks to fill in the major plot points, so I feel 5 pages will be easily achieved. Doing it tastefully is the hardest part.

I want to thank the previous comic life group for inspiring us to do such a project, if we had not seen your presentation we would definitely not be doing this. So thanks for planting the seed.

I will keep you posted on our advances.


administrator said...

I agree - I would have never thought about using Comic Life in the classroom because I couldn't see how it could be used. However, with a project like yours, I can definitely see it as an alternative to acting out the play in class. It may even be better than acting it out because it requires more time and the technology aspect.

Anonymous said...

Hi Phil and Chris, I'm glad you're working in Comic Life. I'd like to hear your rationale for creating a comic version of a HAMLET you guys must know this has been done. But no doubt without your panache.

I would like to see you work on original content. Your own story. Not S'peare's.

Got a story to tell???

You could use HAMLET as a character and therefore use allusions to the play but still create your own story line.

What do you think?

I'd like you to come by and chat sometime on Monday.