Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A Digital Decade

This article was extremely relevant to English 307 as was the other Education Week article. I especially liked the tag line under the title. "Technology Counts looks back, and ahead," because that in essence is part of what we do. We evaluate, we look back to see where we have been, and look ahead to see where we want to go as educators. This article stresses the significance of technology in school.

A good point made is the fast changing landscape, and how complicated it is. How the terrain has changed, and that brought me to think of Freedman and his theory of a flat world. How the terrain is changing and the world is flattening.

An encouraging statistic to hear is "In the first Technology Counts, we reported that fewer than two-thirds of U.S. public schools had Internet access, and just 14 percent of those schools had connections on computers located in classrooms. Today, nearly all schools can get online, and the percentage of instructional computers with high-speed access hovers around 95 percent."

This shows that students and teachers are moving in a new direction, and digital technology is helping that. More applications of school work are being done on computers. Digital camera's are being brought in, in accordance with movie making software. The article points out the easy accessibility of posting your own writing and multi-media on the web. Things like Podcast, Blogs, and social networking site's are entering more classrooms, and helping kids create more interesting things for school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree that this article connects to Friedman. I especially liked you comparison of the changing landscape to the flatworld.

Technology is constantly changing, and it seems that our students are able to keep up with it more than we can. We need to keep encouraging our students to use technology and even learn from them.