Friday, April 6, 2007

Suggested Blog Quiz for week of April 9th

Watch this trailer for the video game Gears of War.

Part I:
What emotions are being portrayed (ex. through music, images, etc)?
What is the creator trying to say about this character, his enemy, and the setting?
What do you think is going to happen?
(optional question) Do you think this is a social commentary of the War in Iraq or war in general? Can you draw any parallels to what the creator is really saying in this piece?

Part II:
Put yourself in the shoes of either character and build a story based on the setting, mood, imagery, music, and actions. How did you get in this situation, what are you doing about it? Write a narrative in first person. The length is completely up to you (be creative).

[Optional] Part III:
Compare and Contrast the two versions of these songs. Which is more effective, the original or the new one? Why? Which captures the theme of the video better? Elaborate.

This is the kind of assignment I would give my students to learn new media literacies. Please tell me what you think. And be honest, if I am grossly off topic I would like to know.


Darlene said...

I think this would be a great assignment in classes that combine two subjects - like Chris' class at Lehman where he teaches both English and Social Studies. You are getting your kids to think about the way war touches our lives while doing critical writing at the same time.

I think these are great ideas - and I'm being totally honest with you. Nice job.

administrator said...

I'm really excited that you took the time to make up this assignment. I think it's a great adaptation to what we are talking about today. Maybe you should talk to Dr. Stearns about taking this further for your media literacy project? You are obviously very motivated by this concept, and I'd love to see what else you do with it.