Wednesday, May 9, 2007

58th Blog post

Somehow I have 58 blog posts. I don't really understand how I have so many. I was talking to someone (whose name will be disclosed) and she made the comment: "I have so many blog posts, I am at around 40." So, I wondered how many I had, at the time it was around 54, needless to say I was rather proud of myself (side note, I just subconsciously used a colon to lead into a quote, THANK YOU EMMANUEL NELSON). That might have come out of nowhere but Nelson has been killing me on my grammar all semester and I have been feverishly writing a research paper. It is just nice to see something you have learned through hard work, manifest itself subconsciously.

Oh, this might make you avid readers proud of me; I have started reading a book! I don't read much outside of my assigned reading (excluding summer/breaks, etc.). But I have embarked on a journey inside Woody Allen's head. The title of the book is "The Complete prose of Woody Allen." I have been completely obsessed with that man for the last week and a half so I decided to order a few of his books including one which is comprised of 3 screen plays.

I don't really know what this blog is about, I think a celebration of embarking on a new book which I am very excited about. Also, a commemoration of my blog contribution. I think I have found a niche in the world that is blogging, for as I recall, I blogged my fair amount last semester (thats me being very humble saying: "I blogged my butt off last semester").

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