Saturday, May 5, 2007

Class room assignment

I was inspired by something we spoke of briefly last class. During the podcast, Prof. Stearns mentioned the fact that instead of writing a research paper, the teacher could assign students to create a podcast. They would still be looking at text critically, but the medium would change. Instead of writing a paper, they could bring the text to audio.
I, in my never ending consumption of movies have come across a short argument within a film. It is short, but this clip displays an introduction, the presentation of a thesis, the argument, and a conclusion. Within these two character's interaction, one is presenting the argument, and the other, doubtfully receptive. One is trying to prove the point and persuade the other.

So in my classroom instead of a term paper, I would have my students split into groups and try to produce such a product. For example, if the question was (and this is the topic of a research paper I am writing): Attempt a feminist critique of the novel Jasmine. The students could perhaps have a female character arguing with a male character, presenting her feminist points and the other rejecting or agreeing. The great thing is this brings new and exciting media into the classroom. The students are creating something with new medias, which is always our goal.

1 comment:

Karen Stearns said...

RIGHT! Great thinking Phil. I love your idea and the Tarantino clip works just as you say it does!!