Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Progression of Education

I just realized how drastic my progression of education has been. I remember when I was a senior in high school, I was talking to someone thinking what the word for "something that contradicts itself" was. I was explaining the lyrics from 'Glycerin' by bush, to someone, the words unfold as: "I'm never alone, I'm alone all the time." I have just realized how articulate I have become in the recent years... because my response to the arrogant jock who claimed "That doesn't make sense, that rock crap is garbage" was rather weak. My response was "No, it's smart, it's called something, when you contradict yourself, Gavin Rossdale is really smart, you don't even know." That makes me laughing thinking about it, because he completely won that argument. Now i would gracefully respond: "Actually, Rossdale is using a paradox, you know, a self-contradictory statement, to the impeding conflict of always being surrounded by people, but no one who can truly fathom his being." Then, he would proceed to call me "gay" everyone would laugh (which happened then I think) and he would be one step closer to inevitably wasting his life waxing his car, getting high, and dropping out of his community college.

Sorry, my thinking of the high school construction of adolescent boys in film has molded this post.

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