Wednesday, January 31, 2007

David Warlick (or D War as i like to call him)

I agree with David Warlick's main question of What students should be learning is the most important question to ask. David Warlick belives the current priorities by which educators evaluate and teach students is incorrect.
I agree with the idea that the wrong priorities lead to problems in the classroom. Older teachers have their comfort zone and they are use to doing what they always do. They keep a routine, get soft. This doesnt inspire much in the motivation department. And we should always try yo inspire our students.
There is an endless world of opportunity out there. New ways to connect with people, like never before.
A big thing is that we as teachers must adapt our teaching methods. It is hard because we are entering a system that is reistant to change. It has been a slow system to adopt any new change, conventionally it has been the same for thirty years. But i feel now it may be more flexible to change. With pioneers like Will Richardson and Ward Cunningham.

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