Friday, January 26, 2007

Stream of Creativity

I was feeling very bogged down with my lack of creativity so i am happy to say i've started writing a short story. I have been drawing a little as well, i drew alot over break. I've moved toward abstract work because i have terrible perception of angles and space ratios. Whenever i draw something like a table it looks abstract so i've resorted to drawing no distinguishable shapes at all. I saw a movie on Jackson Pollock (Pollock is the title) and that inspired me greatly. He was greatly inspired by Kandinsky and i think thats really kewl because i saw a kandinksy exhibit in london over the summer and it was wonderful. It was amazing to see his work evolve. And in the movie pollocks work evolves so i guess it was nice to see the juxtaposition of these artists work evolve throught their lives. One thing i noticed was my art use to be very stiff and triangular, now has taken on a more circular ____(insert word). I like my most recent work, i've started to use alot more colors, i use to be a charcoal, pencil, pen guy. Now i use burnt cadmium and yellow, these exotic greens and tropical blues. I fill the paper up more, i've noticed.
So back to my story. It is an exploration into the unknown. Anything that happens in my day i am twisting into my story, and usually i look to movies or literature to think of ideas but now i'm looking more inward. I feel that is where the stream of creativity should come from. I've only written about 5 pages but it has been only two days so.
Oh i also made a song, i mixed to songs together this morning. I couldnt fall back asleep and i had this beat in my head so i tried to get it out.
Eveentualluy i wound up mixing "Mr. Jones part 2" by Ben Folds and "with Arms wide open" by Creed. I felt the themes went together, there was a nice crosshatching. Some parts seemed very agreeable and the others that disagreed provided a contrast which made sense. It is very dramatic and i'm really trying to get into more comical things but everything that pours out of my head lately seems 2 be serious. Unless im making jokes. Girls seem to be the only thing that can inspire me to make a joke, but since i've been surrounded by nothing but women since sunday its been quite exhausting. Tonight was a nice break.
So i have the constant filming going on, making of a website, short story that i am periodically getting down, and progressive works of art. I am content for now.

1 comment:

CHARITY said...

you might like this book "Writing Down the Bones" by Natalie Goldberg. I'll try to put the book up on my blog because I really love that book. I credit that in helping me hone my writing skills. She is an amazing writer. another fiction book you might like is Barbara Kingsolver "The Bean Trees" and "The Poisonwood Bible".