Saturday, January 27, 2007

Class Blogging

I wonder, are we suppose to blog more on this or on the class blog. I have not really been on the class blog, except for an introduction. I seem to mildly be having trouble. I tried to write on it and i could not so i just gave up. I tried twice and after about 3 minutes of failing i decided to go on imdb and look up when the hell Zodiac is coming out. LOL i failed to find that out also but i googled and i think March.
Anyway, i think i would prefer the majority of our work to be here so it is a more tangible way of looking at physically seeing how much work has been done. Because last semester i was pretty sure i blogged the most out of everyone or top 5, so i guess this is a way to keep track. So if i see Jessica Brown has blogged 4 times and i have 15 times i can take note of that, or if Savanna blogged 23 times i know that girl is killing me. I don't know you at all sorry for mentioning your name, i thought of diligence and your name came out of my keyboard. I guess thats a compliment, so hopefully you wont feel odd for being in another students blog that you have spoken to about three times. I did not phrase that how i wanted to. So is anyone even going to read these? Because, and i know it is only the first week of school, but i do not even know how to search or what is going on. This should be a lot of fun though.
This thing keeps correcting my spelling and i never realized how horrible i am at spelling. Quentin Tarantino is absolutely amazing. I feel like a lot of my essential things are not grounded well. Whats that called, oh my foundations. Is that right? The base of my learning, spelling, work ethic, all shit. I really feel like in the last 5 months i have learned more then in my entire life of schooling. All i bring into the equation is bad habits, are bad habits...there is an example. It is kind of sad i am going to be grading students grammar in a few years yet mine is still atrocious. That is one thing i am scared of. I really want a good steak actually I could go for a nice medium rare dripping with blood piece of Filet mignon. I had that the night before i came to college when my parents and i went out to a steak house.
I feel like where does this transition come in. When will i magically become better at grammar and spelling? Am i going to be the teacher that writes on the board and has to preface it with "oh, i'm a terrible speller" or "i'm really bad with math" because i do not want that. I need credibility. That is one thing i have learned in this world. Learn how to make people think you are smart. That is the image i am trying to learn to portray. In poker you NEVER show people when you bluff. You show them when you have a flush, or a boat, you do not show them when you win the pot with 4 high. Because you want them to believe you, that you are a good player who is not all over the place. Maybe that was not the best teaching analogy, i kept alot back, christ what is wrong with alot i am not correcting it this time.
Today is a tangent filled day, i apologize. I do not really cause i highly doubt ANYONE has read this far. Who would? I am just doing this for myself. Pouring my brain out and hoping some genius is in here somewhere. I think i should stop though, Sinclair lewis is calling me. I am enjoying him so far, early on. Perhaps i will look back and say "wow was i wrong, or perhaps he will emerge as one of my favorite writers which he certainly could, i like his style. Or i could be indifferent."


administrator said...

I must say that I really enjoyed your blogs thus far. Although you are worried about your grammar and spelling and whatnot, you are very honest and interesting to read.

I don't care if you put my name in the blog; it is quite the compliment. I suggest that you stop comparing yourself to other people: everyone has their own strengths to offer the world. We have already noticed in class that you are very enthusiastic and talented in the technological world. I think that it is so interesting that you have made movies and aspire to make a major motion picture by 25. (Send us tickets to the show if you do!) Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that we all have strengths and weaknesses. I have a strong work ethic, which makes me do well academically, but I was never good at sports, and in eighth grade, I was cut from both the cheerleading squad and school musical in the same month. Talk about getting down on yourself. But I moved on and focused on the things I was good at. Anyway, the material in this class is something you are good at, so use it to shine and spread your knowledge!

Megan said...


You are so "real" on your blog posts- this is something to be admired!

This transparency will help you grow in ways that you can't even imagine! You know your strengths and weaknesses and because you're so open about it, everyone knows and can help you out (and all other classmates, for that matter)

Good Luck :o)

Chris said...

yo phil it's true, us men must stick together. this is something i've seen in all of my classes this year. in all of my classes, there is at least a 3:1 ratio of girls to guys. and by the way, tarantino is my favorite director, summer of 05 i would watch kill bill 2 at least three times a week. i'm cool like that.