Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Will Richardson

First of all, i would like to start with saying i really like Will Richardson. I like the way he presents himself, how articulate he speaks and so effectively. Many of us met him last semester in the library. And before he started speaking, i was thinking who is this guy? I really do not want to be here. I have a lot of things i need to speak to my lit circle about.
But then something happened. He spoke, and his knowledge, which was quite over my head, struck something within me. We need equip ourselves for this world. We are living in a society that revolves around technology and far too many of us are technologically illiterate. We have to learn, we have to find the desire to better ourselves. Will said something to this effect, and don't quote me 100% because its been some time but he said "Most of the jobs in the year 2015 haven't even been invented." Every thing is changing around us, already the classrooms are being updated. New methods are being utilized. It is scary but high school is already different from when we attended, and that was four years ago. Book clubs, lit circle's, class blogs. When i was in high school, we were barely a loud to go on the internet, we did work in excel or other programs. The extent of our internet access was searching on Google. Now students are creating i-movies and searching the net for endless things. They know how to put their videos on the internet, type fan fictions. It is truly amazing.
Our Students will always be ahead of us technologically. It is our job to keep up with them. I mean look at our teacher she can't do half the things i can do (just kidding). But these students out there are just dying to learn from technology, that is why it such a powerful tool.
Will is the person that sparked my keen interest in learning more with computers, along with Dr. Stearns(first time i think i have ever referred to her as Dr.). They have been key to my progression. They helped break down certain barriers, for example wikipedia.
And i am going to say this before i get into the wikipedia story. I firmly believe that in about 5 years wikipedia is going to have revolutionized it self even more. I feel like the credibility aspect is going to be so astronomically precise that it is going to be THE source. I really feel they should adapt the commenting format (i feel like this will happen) and it will be like amazon.com or where it says your reliability rate. For example, if someone writes 3 true, reliable statements and then writes "Columbus discovered American in 1485" (an incorrect statement) his credibility level will be 75%. So if you want to consider the source you click on the statement and you see who posted it. If the person has a 20% credibility ranking your not going to believe the comment. I feel like this would function as a deterrent for people writing something they arent sure of. Because if no one is going to listen to what they write or what they write constantly gets edited out, why would they even post something close to incorrect. This idea needs rendering but i just regurgitated it in text for the first time so.
Anyway what led to that was Stearns always told us to use wikipedia but many of us were hesitant becuase many teachers discriminated against it and people think it is unreliable. She always told us the number of people on there was incredible and if you made a mistake it would be corrected within minutes. When Will came he showed us wikipedia and it said the last edit been done 1 second ago, and there had been 500 edits to the site in the last 2 minutes. This was about noon on a week day. That is a powerful source!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Phil, you're right. I can't do half the things you can do!! And I'm very aware of being technologically-challenged. The important thing, though, is that I want to learn and I'm determined to learn. That's the stance teachers need to take--and I don't see that stance in most of the classrooms I visit.

So how come I'm not Dr. Stearns? Who was I before?

Great job dissecting Will here..but what about Warlick and Friedman and the Pew Report!! Oy Vey!!